PatientPing / CMS e-Notifications Campaign




Social Promotion

eBook Lead Generation

Press Release

Social Media

Social Media Influencers

HISTalk Coverage

HIT Consultant Coverage




Press Release

mHealth Times Coverage

Social Media


At the beginning of SVM’s working relationship with PatientPing, the team made SVM aware that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published its Interoperability and Patient Access Rule that contains a Condition of Participation that requires hospitals to share e-notifications with other providers whenever patients have inpatient or ED care events. The requirement goes into effect on May 1, 2021, so PatientPing came to SVM requesting a campaign to provide education around this new CoP, while putting the company forward as a resource. As part of this campaign, SVM drafted a press release about Route, the company’s new solution to ensure hospitals achieve compliance under this new rule. SVM pitched the news to targeted press contacts, provided eblast copy to support the announcement, and promoted via social media, securing coverage in outlets including HIStalk and mHealth Times. Another aspect of the CMS e-notifications campaign is a four-part eBook series that features guidance on helping hospital executives and CIOs understand the pathway to compliance. Starting with the first eBook, “The Route to Compliance,” SVM drafted copy, coordinated content approvals, and the studio put into a fully-designed interactive layout. The first eBook is now included as an asset on the company website, was used for a FierceHealthIT email campaign as well as PatientPing’s own eBlast, and is promoted ongoing via social media. Additionally, SVM worked with PatientPing’s executive team to develop contributed articles, published in HIT Consultant and HISTalk, that provide further education on the new rule, as well as how e-notifications can enable better safety for COVID-19 patients. As the May 1, 2021 deadline continues to get closer, this is an ongoing campaign where SVM continues to provide further support through partnership announcements, additional content development, social media support, etc.